Tuesday, April 17, 2012


     In a continuation of my tirade on the march of progress, I always have tried to have an answer to most of the things I go on about.  Nobody likes a chronic complainer.  Gee, isn't that what the news media is today?  Oh well I digress.
     The position that technology has put theater owners in seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy.  In the switch over to digital format in theaters, you will remember, costs between $80,000. and 100,000. dollars, in the large cities the multi screen metroplexes will absorb the costs and just pass the cost along to ticket buyers.  But the old historic theaters being restored or saved this expense can put a deathe sentence on the project.
     I really like movies but don't get to many anymore because of a lot of the pablum and junk that passes for movies.  It is to far to go into the big theaters in the city and I don't like the crowds.  When there is a good movie out I just have a terrible time getting there.
     That is why I feel so strong about restoring the drive ins and historic theaters.  So when you feel that way you put up or stand down.  We used to say put up or shut up but that is not politically correct anymore.
     So I am going to Chaparral High School on April 28th for a benefit concert for the Historic Anthony Theater.  This is between Harper and Anthony Kansas.  The Diamond W Wranglers will be entertaining for the theater group. 
     Now I am going not only to support the theater, the Wranglers are good friends of mine.  You will not get a better show in that big hoodoo arena they built in downtown Wichita.  The Wranglers have been to Carnegie Hall twice and the Great Wall of China.  They have recorded 12 CD's, their latest Outlaw's and Lovers, is getting rave reviews.
     We should be hearing them on all the so called country radio stations.  But that is another argument.  You should travel however long it takes to hear the Diamond W Wranglers and support restoration of the Anthony Theater.  Then someday you can come support our local theater restoration.
     Getting back to my beef with the movie industry.  I remember when the first hand held calculator came out it was hundreds of dollars, they give them way now in note pads.  Cell phones were hundreds of dollars and now they give them to you when you sign up.  Computers were thousands of dollars and now you can get them for hundreds.  Traditionally electronics get cheaper as time goes on.  Wonder how cheap digital theater systems will be after all the theaters are parking lots?

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