Tuesday, August 13, 2013


                             THAT'S WHY DREAMERS ARE SO LONELY
                                                   Erma Bombeck
     I guess I have always been a dreamer.  I prefer to think of it as visionary, but that word seems to have too much hubris in it.  I have to admit that I have too many interests and ideas seem to flow so fast that it irritates others.
     I am a died in the wool International Harvester truck fan.  Specifically the light trucks especially the Scouts.  I was ogling a great looking 1/2 cab scout 800 on the facebook page.  It is the time of the year that all IHC nuts are drawn to a gathering in Iowa.  I have never been and want to go sooooo bad.  Mom looked over to see what I was oohing and aahing about and said "quit dreaming."  NOPE NOT GONNA DO IT!
     Through all the ups and downs of my life if I did not have a dream I would not be here today.  If I quit dreaming I might as well be dead.  This is why the thought of a nursing home scares the bejemers out of me.  Of what do you dream there?  I dream that the AARP would quit persuing me after selling out their membership.  I have reached the age of 58 and realized that with the health issues and time left there are many interest I will simply be unable to do.  But that does not stop my dreaming.
     I am with my friends in the music world, dream and vision that things will change and Western music will once again be recognised in Nashville and the music industry.  (Although watching the CMA makes me wonder where the Country really is).  I dream of singing on stage with my friends and those I admire on the stage of the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville.
     I have the dream of bringing the right people together and film a feature Western motion picture here in the Gyp Hills with many of the big names and cowboy actors that still exist.
     I dream of actually selling my writing and remove the FREE from Freelance.
     I dream of running a radio station that people really want to listen to.
     I dream of rural Kansas finding the ways to attract visitors, businesses, and young people to our wonderful state.  I still dream of Kansans being proud of where we are and what we have.
     I dream of owning old buildings and run businesses out of them and helping others do the same.  I want to restore a building to make a music venue out of.
     I dream of a small farm and ranch that is my own, and paid for.
     I want to start an artists guild in our area with the purpose of opening a gallery on Main Street in Medicine Lodge.
     I still want a 1/2 cab or Terra Scout.  I still love old barns and farm houses.  I like old tractors and trucks, canning food, doing things the old fashioned way.  And finding a woman that likes it too.
     I want history to be taught to everyone the way it was and not the way some think it should have been.  I want schools to worry about music, reading, writing, and math instead of what class of league will we end up in next year.
     I want to see those who would dominate our lives with their agenda put into the place that they deserve.  I want to see government officials actually stick to their pledge of defending the Constitution.  I want to see us stop sending our troops to fight wars that were never intended to win and only fight those who are attacking us.
     I dream that those who have no idea what it takes to feed the world to quit trying to tell those that do how to do it.  Somehow bugs and stem cell hamburger are not going to do it.
     I dream of energy that is developed of every form and it be cheap and reasonable and free from the politics that hinder it now.
     I dream of a day that God is asked back into the affairs of our country and not be banished by the minority that would take him from everyone.
     I would like to see the people of this country remember what a sense of humor is and stop getting enraged over something that does not mean a thing other than a good laugh.  And that being profane is not really funny.
     Yes I admit that I am a dreamer.  A visionary, I will leave that for others to judge when I am gone.  I hope that when I stop dreaming it means that I am gone from this life to where all dreams are fulfilled.
     If you dream, never apologize for it.

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